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Contentbox headline
PvP Protection: to level 1
Exp Rate:
Skill Rate: Custom
Magic Rate: Custom
Loot Rate: 2x
Kills to RedSkull: Daily: 5 | Weekly: 15 | Monthly: 30
Kills to BlackSkull: 12x
Free bless to level: 50

Donation System And Online Shop
Understand how to use our donation system and shop online.

We have the most current donation system, and everyone's online shop, where you have practicality in your donations and purchase of items on the server, and everything automatic. Thinking about making your journey on our server a bit more attractive, we have developed a unique shop where you will be happy to help the server grow.

Click the links and see a simple tutorial on how the Donate System and Shop Online.

Mascote of Week Monster Pedestal

Trade Tibia Coins!

Top 5 Experience

1 - Hell Fry
   Level: (303)
   Royal Paladin
2 - Elite Fry
   Level: (300)
   Elite Knight
3 - Very Krazy
   Level: (293)
   Royal Paladin
4 - Mestre
   Level: (275)
   Master Sorcerer
5 - Brayan Vdl
   Level: (269)
   Elder Druid