Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Boots | Speed: +35%, healthGain: 20/1s, manaGain: 30/1s, Infinite (200 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Master Slayer | Atk:60, Def:35, sword fighting +5 (300 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Master Chopper | Atk:60, Def:35, axe fighting +5 (300 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Master Hammer | Atk:60, Def:35, club fighting +5 (300 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Falcon Rod | Hit Ice: 100-150 magic level +5, protection earth +6% (300 Coins). | Druid |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Falcon Wand | Hit Energy: 100-150 magic level +5, protection energy +6% (300 Coins). | Sorcerer |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Star | Attack: 68, Range: 7, maxHitChance: 100%, Infinite (300 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Master Spellbook | Def:35, shielding +6, magic level +5, protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +12%, ice +6%, healthGain: +2/1s, manaGain: +4/1s). Vocation: Sorcerer (300 Coins). | Sorcerer |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Spellbook of Arcana | Def:35, shielding +6, magic level +5, protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +12%, ice +6%, healthGain: +2/1s, manaGain: +4/1s). Vocation: Druid. (300 Coins). | Druid |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Falcon Shield | Def:42, club fighting +5, sword fighting +5, axe fighting +5, shielding +3, protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +12%, ice +6%, healthGain: +4/1s, manaGain: +2/1s (250 Coins). | Knight |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Escutcheon Shield | Def: 38, distance fighting +2, shielding + 5, protection earth +3%, fire +3%, health +2/1s, mana +2/1s). Vocation: Paladin. (250 Coins). | Paladin |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Circlet | Arm: 8, magic level +3, protection earth +2%, fire 2%, ice 2%, health +1/1s, mana +3/1s). Vocation: Druid/Sorcerer. (250 Coins). | Mages |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Coif Helmet | Arm: 10, distance fighting +3, protection earth +2%, fire 2%, ice 2%, health +2/1s, mana +2/1s). Vocation: Paladin. (250 Coins). | Paladin |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Visage Helmet
| Arm: 11, shielding +3, protection earth +3%, fire 3%, ice 3%, health +3/1s, mana +1/1s). Vocation: Knight. (250 Coins). | Knight |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Mage Backpack
| special backpack with 36 sltos, +1 magic level and only 1oz (100 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Warrior Backpack
| special backpack with 36 sltos, +1 Skill Club, Sword and Axe only 1oz (100 Coins). | All Classes |
Item: |
Description: |
Allowed use: |
 Under Royal Backpack
| special backpack with 36 sltos, +1 Skill Distance and only 1oz (100 Coins). | All Classes |